Artikel ini bukan mengenai Vaginismus.
Vaginitis adalah peradangan
terhadap Vagina.[1][2]
Hal ini dapat mengakibat kan pelepasan, gatal dan
nyeri,[2] dan sering dikaitkan dengan
iritasi atau infeksi vulva.
Hal ini
biasanya karena infeksi.
Klasifikasi dan bahan-bahan
01. Referensi
- Vaginal Health Organization (2010) Vaginal Yeast Infections - Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention July 10, 2010; account suspended as of November 5, 2010
- ^ www.mayoclinic. com - Diseases and Conditions - Vaginitis - Basics - Definition Feb. 6, 2009
02. Bacaan lebih lanjut
- Jaquiery A, Stylianopoulos A, Hogg G, Grover S (1999). "Vulvo vaginitis: clinical features, aetiology, and microbiology of the genital tract". Arch. Dis. Child. 81 (1): 64-7. doi :10.1136/ adc.81.1.64. PMID 10373139. PMC 1717979. cgi/pmidlookup? view=long&pmid= 10373139.
- Brook I (2002). "Micro biology and mana gement of polymi crobial female genital tract infections in adolescents". J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 15 (4): 217-26. doi :10.1016/S1083- 3188(02) 00159-6. PMID 12459228. http://linkinghub. S1083318 802001596.
- Joesoef MR, Schmid GP, Hillier SL (1999). "Bacterial vaginosis: review of treatment options and potential clinical indications for therapy". Clin. Infect. Dis. 28 Suppl 1: S57-65. doi: 10.1086/514725. PMID 10028110.
- Ozkinay E et al. (2005). "The effectiveness of live lactobacilli in combination with low dose estriol to restore the vaginal flora after treatment of vaginal infections". IBJOG 112 (2): 234-240; quiz 440-1. doi :10.1111/j.1471- 0528. 2004.00329.x. PMID 15663590.
- Reed BD, Slattery ML, French TK (1989). "The association between dietary intake and reported history of Candida vulvo vaginitis". J Fam Pract 29 (5): 509-15. PMID 2553850.
- Rodgers CA, Beardall AJ (1999). "Recurrent vulvo vaginal candidiasis: why does it occur?". Int J STD AIDS 10 (7): 435-9; quiz 440-1. doi: 10.1258/ 095646299 1914429. PMID 10454177. http://ijsa.rsmj pmidlookup? view=long&pmid= 10454177.
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